Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Such A Risk Taker.

Question: Whats Your Favorite Kind Of Ice Cream?

 I get the same kind of ice cream almost every single time I go to DQ. I get vanilla ice cream mixed with the Mint Oreos and cookie dough chucks. Every once in awhile I'll throw in the banana cream pie flavor. I also always get the same kind of ice cream whenever I splurge and buy some Ben and Jerrys at the store, Cinnamon Buns. But when it comes straight down to plain ole ice cream, I always stick with traditional vanilla. Call me boring, I don't care. Back in the day, before chocolate made me sick all the time, I probably would have said chocolate. But now that I've been semi-successful in avoiding chocolate for 11 years now I just can't handle chocolate ice cream. The flavor just feels so intense for it being an ice cream flavor. Does that even make sense? Just follow along here, folks.

Some people say the flavor of ice cream you choose says a lot about your personality. Don't ask me which people say that because I don't know, I've just seen those little teeny bopper quizzes that say stuff like, "What does your favorite ice cream flavor say about you?".  Oh I can't hold onto the suspense! What does my favorite flavor say about me!! Please tell me! 

If you like the simpleness of vanilla, you are an impulsive risk taker. You enjoy close family relationships, set high goals, and have high expectations for yourself. (Find yours here).

Sounds semi right. I do enjoy close family relationships, yes. I do set high goals and have high expectations for myself, yes. Impulsive risk taker? Hahaha, um, no. You are talking about the girl who makes pro/con lists for any decision thats even halfway important in her life. 

Let's try another website. (Here)

Those who prefer vanilla ice cream consider themselves risk-takers and are extremely motivated in the workplace. They love the classics, whether it's listening to classical music or watching history shows and documentary films. They're even more likely than the others to choose classic ice cream flavors instead of being swayed by all the trendy concoctions in the market.

Um, actually I hate classical music, and I hate the history channel. And if I didn't like trendy concotions so much why would I find Orange Leaf to be so addicting?

Ok, one last try. (Here).

Vanillas are anything but, well, vanilla! These people are colorful risk-takers who set very high goals for themselves. This also impacts their romantic mindset: They much prefer relationships where they feel like they’re building a future together. 
Well, once again it doesn't really sound like me. Except the relationship part. I don't see the point in being in a relationship with another person unless I plan on building a future with them. Call me a romantic. I want that fairy tale ending just like every other girl.

But holy cow, what have they done? A scientific study on this? Or why else do they all have the same answers?!  Aren't you interested in knowing yours now? Go ahead and look it up. Does yours fit you too? Let me know! It's interesting!


On a completely unrelated note, Subway started serving avocados on their subs! About time! I've been addicting to eating those suckas for a few months now. Totally worth the additional cost.  Speaking of subway, in Austin they didn't have the seafood sub. They looked at me like I was some sort of crazy person when I asked for the seafood sub. "Excuse me, Ma'am, the what?"   

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