Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Motivation: ME

Zumba kicked Val and I's ass tonight. Which I guess is kinda the point. Plus I've ran...oh you know 0 miles this week. Annnd my healthy eating has gone out the window. I've usually ran anywhere between 9 and 21 miles by now...and 9 is a slow week. Then last night I ate a whole pack, yes you heard me right, A WHOLE EFFING PACK of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. I didn't even bother baking them. Nope, I just ate the dough raw. It says right on the package not to do that. But it's just...SO GOOD! So anyways, tomorrow...zumba. And back to eating right. No more of this slacking stuff. I feel gross. I'm seriously falling in love with this eating healthy, working out thing. My boss at work must agree. He wants me on the directors board for the wellness committee he's making for work. So that's pretty awesome, and I was flattered. I really gotta step up my game now. I'm going to find the zumba workout videos of the songs we do work on them.(Like this one) I want to be good, no, one of the best! in that class.

Then i came home and played with Maddie. I think it drives Nick crazy when I do that. I've figured that out because he always says "No wonder she's aggressive when you play with her like that" or "Oh my god, you are going to kill her". Hey it's not my fault she's one of those dogs that thinks it's fun to be pushed around. 

See, Mads loves me! (Note her spray collar)

As of tomorrow, I'm on overtime  for the week. It's been a busy few weeks for me lately. But I'm liking it. A lot. It helps when you wake up to such sweet nothings like I do everyday, can't complain there. I don't want to brag...BUT! he's one of a kind. Females always say they want to be treated like a queen, well, he sure knows how to treat a lady. He also knows how to do it without losing his sarcasm (which I didn't even know somebody could rival me for it...). He knows how to keep me in line without being rude about it. He works at a hospital, monitoring the heart rhythms of patients in the intensive care unit. You know what I told him? Warning: it's pretty corny. I told him he could watch over my heart too. He said "I'll be sure to be extra careful with yours and watch over it like a hawk, darlin". Awww, my favorite is when he threw in "darlin'". I don't really know why.

Did I ever tell you guys the story the morning after Halloween? No? Well, I was a ninja. So I had my hair all teased, extremely done eye make up, and those black stripes football players wear under their eyes. That night we stayed on his best friend's living room couch, and a bunch of other people stayed there as well. So we wake up in the morning, and this is the first thing he said to me:

"Joella, you took up the whole couch, you hogged all the blankets, and you snored. Your hair is a hot mess, your eye  makeup is everywhere including all over the pillow. And you are still in the clothes you put on yesterday. You haven't washed your face or brushed your teeth or hair... "

At this point I was pretty embarrassed, felt disgusting and ugly and  was thinking I had blown it.
Then he grabbed my face in his hands and finished with:

"But you are still the most beautiful woman I've ever known"
and kissed me.
Awww, shucks.

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