Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Percy, The Puny Poinsettia

Today's story of the day is brought to you by my job. Because that job seems to be my life. Wake up, Work, Workout, Eat, Shower, Sleep, Repeat. I see my stats for how many people read this thing and am always impressed by myself. My life is interesting enough to that many people? Maybe a camera crew should follow me around! I mean if teen moms and jersey shore guidos can get their own show then by golly, I should have no problem getting one. So anyways, back to my story. They always do some kind of entertainment after lunch. Usually it's Bingo, and they can win big money. Like a quarter. These people pay around 5000 a month to live here, but they sure are serious about winning those quarters. They get vicious! I once made the mistake of talking to a resident during BINGO time and got yelled at. "Hey, Ella, shut the hell up! I'm hard of hearing enough without trying to hear over your yappy voice as well!". I laughed at that one. I don't think that's the reaction he wanted. Anyways, what was I saying? Oh right, entertainment. So today they didn't do Bingo (dangit!) and instead they brought in a one man band thing. Only the band was background on his computer while he played an accordion and sang to it.  I don't know what that's called so I just called it a one man band. Today he was playing Christmas songs. My pager had finally calmed down a little and I was able to go into the room where he was preforming. I saw in the back row the sweetest lady, and I know she loves to dance. LOVES IT! So I went up next to her, grabbed her hand and danced with her. She loved it. Then she started singing along. Everybody turned around and started giving her dirty looks like "bitch why you be singing over the singer?!" (I tell ya, they are vicious sometimes!). But I didn't want her to stop singing because i could tell she was having a great time! So I sang with her. I thought it would help a little if there were two of us singing. Power in numbers, right? Nope. False. So I left her danving and walked around to a few other ladies who I knew loved to dance. I pulled them out of their chairs and danced with them too. They had fun, I could tell. But as soon as I left somebody to get somebody else up and dancing, the one I had just left would sit back down. So that didn't go as planned. But more people did start singing. I think maybe they gave up on us stoping singing so they just gave in. Peer pressure works. Everybody did leave with smiles at the end of the show. :) They even caught it all on video. Me and my dancing with the residents. I'd post it, but you know that whole "privacy" thing. I'm not a fan of breaking these people's rights, so I don't and won't. Sorry folks. I can assure you it is adorable though.


  1. So where did the title come from? Didn't see anything about Percy. And I read this because I love to hear what's going on in your life. Love to hear the stories about the residents.

  2. It's the name of one of the songs he sang! youtube it, i'm sure it's on there somewhere.
