Monday, April 9, 2012

Katniss Everdeen.

I'll admit it. I, Ella, have an addiction. It's called The Hunger Games. The book. Nathan had read the first one and wanted to see the movie, but once he found out I had not read the books he decided we couldn't see the movie until I had read the book. The problem was that there were so many holds on the book at the library that it would probably be 10 years until I got my hands on it. So he even found one of his friends to let me borrow all three books. Once he gave them to me I laid down in bed one night with intentions of starting to read it. He told me not to start reading them until I had time to finish them. I giggled when he said that because even though he tells me he likes to read, it is just hard for me to picture it. Then he gave me "that"  look and said "No, I'm serious. I started that book one night before bed and didn't sleep that night because I was up reading it. I finished it in one sitting."

Now, I wasn't that bad, I think I finished it in about 5 sittings...over the span of three days. Now I'm on part two of the trilogy.  In fact the second book is sitting right here beside me and as soon as I'm done writing I'm going to curl up in bed and continue reading it. These books are soo good! I want to know what happens. My heart is just broken for poor Peeta, but also for Gale. Then I just sit there and wonder what I would do if I were Katniss. I mean, I know what I would do because she doesn't really have an option, but I just feel so bad for her. She's such a strong woman, and smart, and independent. It's nice to have a heroine in a book for once. Unlike Twilight where Bella depends on Edward for everything,  (not that I'm not looking forward to the last movie, btw) Katniss is one badass woman!

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